Verification of Autonomous Systems Working Group Meeting

NIST, June 22-23, 2015

The original purpose of this meeting was to discuss the open research challenges and gain a little more understanding of the challenges themselves and of what progress was being made.


June 22, 2015

Time Activity
0800-0830 Registration & Check-In
0830-0930 Introduction and Meeting Focus
0830 Overview of WG purpose, background, probable trajectory (short presentation - background and where we are now; definitions recap)
0900 Introduction (no slides); Agenda
0930-1030 Progress
0930 Tools and Infrastructure (John)
1000 Literature Survey (Andrew, Rich, Mae)
1015 Trust (Kerstin?)
1030-1045 Break
1045-1215 Progress
1045 Formal Methods (Hadas?)
1100 Control Mapping Tool (Signe)
1115 Skill Tree (Andrew)
1130 Progress discussion
1150-1300 Lunch
1300-1500 New Topics
1300 DoJ Project (David Sparrow) & TTCP Verification Work (UK?)
1315 Verification of Platform vs. Verification of Autonomy (discussion)
1400 Certification Processes (Matt, Paul?)
1415 Certification and Assurance (discussion)
1500-1515 Break
1515-1700 Focus
1515 Connections and Conflicts (discussion)
1615 Define impact of new topics on existing research challenges (discussion)
1700 Adjourn

June 23, 2015

Time Activity
0800-0830 Registration & Check-In
0830-0900 Summary of previous day (presentation)
0900-1030 Testing Infrastructure
0900 EU Harwell Facility (Roger)
0915 US Test Facility (Dave)
0930 MASTER (CMRE - Alain)
0945 GOT (Glen)
1000 Testing Discussion
1030-1045 Break
1045-1130 Document potential solutions; discuss applications
1130-1200 Define way forward - research level
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1400 Refine research challenges; allocate tasks
1400-1500 Next steps (future meetings, funding opportunities, research proposals
1500-1630 Informal discussion